Product focus KLF and how it all started

JHBaits KLF Freezer Bait
Highly Nutritional Fish-meal bait designed by JHBaits founder Jason Holden.
KLF was really the ultimate reason JHBaits was formed in the first instance, we asked Jason Why he felt the need to design and use his own bait against all other baits available this was his reply:
I've always had a great interest in bait and what makes a bait work better than any other on any given day, we have all at some point in our fishing been sat next to a fellow angler who is getting bite after bite but we just aren't having the same results and maybe thinking about taking up another sport springs to mind!!
As a youngster fishing local Yorkshire waters I played around with making my own Boilies and can remember the first time I stunk out mums kitchen, Richmond's 50/50 base mixes and Florentine-A and B being a big favourite back then, But as you grow older and life becomes about earning a living and the times of spending the holidays on the bank a thing of the past.
As like many others fishing time became restricted and Bait always had to be something you could access quickly and chuck in the motor and away you would go.
Now I would like to believe I’ve had my fair share of success angling wise over the years on a variety of different baits and there is no disputing there are some great Boilies on the market, but like many others I was always looking for that little bit of an extra edge that would make a good year into an incredible one, and this is when I turned my attention back to designing my own baits.
The feeling of accomplishment when you design a Bait that delivers the edge you have been looking for and the confidence that brings I believe cannot be rivalled.
I have always been a massive fan of fish-meal based baits and believe that a good fish-meal is very difficult to beat, already having lots of ideas stored away in my mind and experience over the years of ingredients & additives that over the years have proven there worth, it wasn't hard for me to soon have idea's on paper.
I spent a good 2-3 Years designing on paper and experimenting on the bank before anyone else managed to get their hands on any!
I had a nice fish-meal base that was made up of a combination of 3 different fish-meals and a nice amount of Krill meal and also pure Hydrolysed Krill Liquid.
A good amount of protein was already in the mix from these alone but against some of the more recent beliefs I’m still a huge fan of Milk Proteins and their effectiveness if added correctly in any fish-meal bait and also of a relatively high protein level (at least compared to many baits now produced) of 40%-50%.
Choosing and testing the correct amount and types of milk proteins is a difficult task, balancing the correct amount of solubility in the bait along with the attraction and added Amino acids is something I found most challenging, Having everything covered Nutritionally on paper and it actually being a product that is going to be practical as a Boilie are two different things!
But once results started to come things start to become clearer and it’s much easier to study what is making the difference and what is detrimental and how the Boilie could be made practical in a fishing situation.
Eventually the Milk proteins were finalized where I was happy.
Of course in Addition to the fish-Meal and Milk products the mix had a good Level of Vitamins & Minerals from a quality CLO , some nice Vegetable Proteins/ Fats and Carbs and a nice inclusion level of Haiths Robin Red which has always been a big fan of mine and without doubt a proven carp catcher over the years.
The Base of the mix in Place I’ve always believed a true quality fish-meal product for me had to contain a good serving of Green Lipped Mussel and Betaine so these where in the mix from the start and at levels I had used in the past with great results.
To be honest with KLF I can’t say I really ever had a time my catch rate struggled and I doubted the bait in any way and let’s face it a Boilie with so much quality was always going to catch fish from the off it was always about how I can make it as good as it can be.
The first real year I was totally happy with the KLF was a year I had some really incredible results, I was catching carp with more confidence then I had ever experienced before.
My regular Fishing complex and especially the lake I was targeting is extremely challenging to say the least and that year I caught fish to 49lb including many different 20 & 30lb fish and blanking became a rarity.
It wasn't long before angling friends wanted to know all about the bait I had created and how and if they could try some for themselves.
Still with no intention of starting a Bait Company Angling friends had started to use the KLF around the UK on various waters and the feedback I was receiving was just incredible it was such a great sense of pride and accomplishment that a bait I had created from a seed grown in my mind for years previous had become a reality and before I could blink JHBaits was created and a team of Testers on board helped with a couple of final tweaks to help its usability and it was out there for everyone to enjoy its possibilities.
KLF Still going from strength to strength and responsible for so many big fish captures in the UK and Abroad including fish to Over 60lb IN THE UK! I know my Angling wouldn't be the same without it!
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